Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Movies/seasons of TV shows viewed in 2008.

1. No Country for Old Men (2007); 1.1
2. Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007); 1.2
3. Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007); 1.4 [Theater]
4. The Kingdom (2007); 1.5
5. Escape from New York (1981); 1.8
6. Mala Noche (1985); 1.9
7. Taxidermia (2006); 1.9
8. Juno (2007); 1.11
9. The Orphanage (2007); 1.17 [Theater]
10. Massacre Time (1966); 1.18
11. Hot Rod (2007); 1.19 [#2]
12. Everything is Illuminated (2005); 1.20 [#2]
13. Eyes Without a Face (1960); 1.22
14. 4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days (2007); 1.22
15. Man with the Screaming Brain (2005); 1.23
16. Paris I Love You (2006); 1.23
17. Days of Heaven (1978); 1.23
18. Poltergay (2006); 1.23
19. Lars and the Real Girl (2007); 1.24
20. The Return (2003); 1.25
21. Hacking Democracy (2006); 1.25
22. Michael Clayton (2007); 1.25
23. Persepolis (2007); 1.26
24. Across the Universe (2007); 1.27
25. Mystery Train (1989); 1.27
26. Severance (2006); 1.28
27. Thesis (1996); 1.29
28. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007); 1.29
29. Eastern Promises (2007); 1.29
30. Taxi Driver (1976); 1.30
31. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007); 1.30
32. Alone (2007); 1.30
33. Little Otik (2001); 1.31
34. Timber Falls (2007); 1.31
35. There Will Be Blood (2007); 2.1 [theater]
36. Hot Rod (2007); 2.1 [#3]
37. Jesus Camp (2006); 2.3
38. The King of Kong (2007); 2.3
39. Boogie Nights (1997); 2.3
40. Weirdsville (2007); 2.6
41. It's Alive (1974); 2.7
42. Ancient Aliens (2007); 2.7
43. Into the Wild (2007); 2.8
44. The Kitchen Sink (1989); 2.9 [SHORT]
45. In the Valley of Elah (2007); 2.9
46. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968); 2.9
47. We Own the Night (2007); 2.9
48. Killer Pad (2008); 2.10
49. Demetri Martin. Person. (2007); 2.10
50. Great World of Sound (2007); 2.10
51. Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism (2004); 2.10
52. Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970); 2.10
53. The White Sound (2001); 2.10
54. Day of the Dead (2007); 2.10
55. Hot Rod (2007); 2.11 [#4]
56. Day Watch (2006); 2.12
57. Fall Down Dead (2007); 2.12
58. Funny Games (1997); 2.12
59. Equilibrium (2002); 2.13
60. The Darjeeling Limited (2007); 2.13
61. [REC] (2007); 2.13
62. The Ten (2007); 2.14
63. Wet Hot American Summer (2001); 2.14
64. Alien Vs. Predator Requiem (2007); 2.15
65. Syndromes and a Century (2006); 2.15
66. Awake (2007); 2.16
67. Run, Fat Boy, Run (2007); 2.16
68. Delirious (2006); 2.16
69. My Bloody Valentine (1981); 2.16 [#2?]
70. Dawn of the Dead: Extended Edition (1978); 2.16 [#million]
71. Slime City (1988); 2.17
72. Masters of Horror: The Damned Thing (2006); 2.17
73. Masters of Horror: Family (2006); 2.17
74. Masters of Horror: The V Word (2006); 2.17
75. Masters of Horror: Sounds Like (2006); 2.17
76. Masters of Horror: Pro-Life (2006); 2.17
77. Masters of Horror: Pelts (2006); 2.18
78. Inside (2007); 2.18
79. They Call Him Sasquatch (2003); 2.18
80. Spiral (2007); 2.19
81. DarkPlace (2007); 2.19
82. Masters of Horror: The Screwfly Solution (2006); 2.19
83. Masters of Horror: Valerie on the Stairs (2006); 2.19
84. Masters of Horror: Right to Die (2007); 2.19
85. Masters of Horror: We All Scream for Ice Cream (2007); 2.19
86. Masters of Horror: The Black Cat (2007); 2.19
87. Masters of Horror: The Washingtonians (2007); 2.19
88. Hatchet (2006); 2.20 [#3]
89. The House That Screamed (1969); 2.21
90. The Corpse Grinders (1972); 2.22
91. Carver (2008); 2.22
92. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007); 2.22
93. Masters of Horror: Dream Cruise (2007); 2.22
94. Bukowski: Born Into This (2003); 2.23
95. Sleepaway Camp (1983); 2.24
96. American Psycho (2000); 2.25 [#7]
97. Be Kind Rewind (2008); 2.29 [theater]
98. Cloverfield (2008); 3.8 [theater]
99. Beetlejuice (1988); 3.22 [#million]
100. Slime City (1988); 3.24 [#2]
101. I Spit On Your Grave (1978); 3.24
102. The Thing (1982); 3.24
103. Brazil (1985); 3.24
104. A Boy and His Dog (1975); 3.24
105. Factotum (2006); 3.25
106. Splatter University (1984); 3.25
107. Hell of the Living Dead (1983); 3.25
108. The Way Things Go (1987); 3.25
109. Four of the Apocalypse (1975); 3.25
110. Delicatessen (1991); 3.25
111. Little Shop of Horrors (1960); 3.25
112. Dexter, Season 1 (2006); 3.26-3.27 [#2]
113. The Ring (2002); 3.27 [#2]
114. The Lady Vanishes (1938); 3.27
115. Se7en (1995); 3.27 [#5]
116. Timerider (1982); 3.28
117. Planet Terror (2007); 3.28 [#2]
118. Dawn of the Dead (2004); 3.28 [#4?]
119. Cannibal Holocaust (1980); 3.28 [#6?]
120. The Evil Dead (1981); 3.28 [#2]
121. Evil Bong (2006); 3.28
122. Manhattan Baby (1982); 3.29
123. Dazed and Confused (1993); 4.8
124. Who Can Kill a Child? (1976); 4.9 [#2]
125. The Virgin Spring (1960); 4.10
126. The Kite Runner (2007); 4.11
127. The Babysitter's Club (1995); 4.12
128. The Ruins (2008); 4.12 [theater]
129. Urban Legend (1998); 4.12
130. Shine a Light (2008); 4.13 [theater]
131. Hellraiser (1987); 4.14
132. The Mist (2007); 4.15
133. The Seventh Seal (1957); 4.16
134. Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975); 4.18
135. Cabin Fever (2002); 4.18 [#4?]
136. Hostel (2005); 4.18 [#3?]
137. Hostel II (2007); 4.19 [#4?]
138. Search and Destroy (1995); 4.19
139. Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008); 4.19
140. Salo: Yesterday and Today (2002); 4.20
141. Hukkle (2002); 4.20
142. Brazil: Love Conquers All Version (1985); 4.20
143. Videodrome (1983); 4.22
144. Black Sheep (2006); 4.22
145. Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2007); 4.23
146. Phantasm (1979); 4.23 [#2?]
147. Soylent Green (1973); 4.23
148. Savage Harvest (1994); 4.23
149. Crazy Eights (2006); 4.23
150. Wicked Little Things (2006); 4.23
151. Them (2006); 4.24
152. Unearthed (2007); 4.25
153. Diary of the Dead (2007); 4.26
154. Murder Party (2007); 4.26
155. Demonia (1990); 4.26
156. The Deaths of Ian Stone (2007); 4.27
157. Tooth & Nail (2007); 4.27
158. Diary of the Dead (2007); 4.27 [#2]
159. Maniac (1980); 4.28
160. Gummo (1997); 4.28
161. Zzyzx (2006); 4.29
162. The Monster Squad (1987); 4.29
163. Teeth (2007); 4.30
164. Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead (2006); 4.30
165. Fright Night (1985); 4.30
166. Mulberry Street (2006); 5.1
167. Session 9 (2001); 5.1
168. The New York Ripper (1982); 5.1
169. In the Mouth of Madness (1995); 5.2
170. Lake Dead (2007); 5.2
171. Nightmare Man (2006); 5.3
172. Iron Man (2008); 5.3 [THEATER]
173. Bomb Threat (1971); 5.3 [short]
174. Night of the Living Dead (1990); 5.4
175. Funny Games U.S. (2007); 5.4
176. The Dead Zone (1983); 5.5
177. Dead Heat (1988); 5.6
178. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (2005); 5.6 [#8?]
179. Bride of Re-Animator (1990); 5.6
180. Frankenhooker (1990); 5.7
181. Borderland (2007); 5.7
182. In My Skin (2002); 5.7
183. Dead and Buried (1981) 5.7
184. The Last House on Dead End Street (1977); 5.7
185. Hot Rod (2007); 5.9 [#5]
186. Masters of Horror: The Washingtonians (2007); 5.9 [#2]
187. Cannibals (????); 5.10 [History Channel doc and I'm not sure when it was released. In the 2000s at least.]
188. Biography: John Wayne Gacy (????); 5.10
189. Biography: Jeffrey Dahmer (????); 5.10
190. Biography: Ted Bundy (????); 5.11
191. Biography: Ed Gein (????); 5.11
192. Biography: Aileen Wuornos (????); 5.11
193. Biography: Gary Ridgway (????); 5.11
194. Biography: Dennis Rader (????); 5.11
195. Biography: Henry Lee Lucas (????); 5.11
196. Biography: David Berkowitz (????); 5.11
197. Biography: Albert DeSalvo (????); 5.11
198. The Stepfather (1987); 5.11
199. The Girl Next Door (2007); 5.11
200. Strange Circus (2005); 5.12
201. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986); 5.12
202. The Changeling (1980); 5.13
203. Puppet Master (1989); 5.13
204. The American Nightmare (2000); 5.13
205. This Is Spinal Tap (1984); 5.14
206. The American Nightmare (2000); 5.15 [#2]
207. Masters of Horror: Homecoming (2006); 5.15
208. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008); 5.16
209. Masters of Horror: Chocolate (2005); 5.17
210. Masters of Horror: Sick Girl (2006); 5.17
211. Masters of Horror: The Fair Haired Child (2006); 5.17
212. Masters of Horror: Haeckel's Tale (2006); 5.18
213. Hot Rod (2007); 5.18 [#6]
214. Dawn of the Dead: European Edition (1978); 5.18 [#2]
215. Anchorman (2004); 5.18 [#5]
216. The Toxic Avenger (1985); 5.18
217. An American Crime (2007); 5.19
218. Cannibal Holocaust 2 (1988); 5.19
219. Masters of Horror: Dance of the Dead (2005); 5.19 [#2]
220. Frontiere(s) (2007); 5.20
221. Shivers (1975); 5.20
222. Amazon Women on the Moon (1987); 5.20
223. Paperhouse (1988); 5.20
224. Basket Case (1982); 5.20
225. Night and Fog (1955); 5.21
226. Kentucky Fried Movie (1977); 5.21
227. Rabid (1977); 5.21
228. C.H.U.D. (1984); 5.21
229. Scanners (1981); 5.21
230. The Brood (1979); 5.21
231. Alan Yates (2005); 5.21 [#2]
232. High Tension (2003); 5.22
233. Daughter of Dracula (1972); 5.22
234. The Toxic Avenger, Part II (1989); 5.22
235. The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie (1989); 5.22
236. The Fly (1986); 5.22
237. Bay of Blood (1971); 5.23
238. Dead Ringers (1988); 5.23
239. Masters of Horror: Cigarette Burns (2005); 5.23 [#2]
240. Reincarnation (2005); 5.24
241. The Mysterious Monsters (1976); 5.24
242. Beyond Re-Animator (2003); 5.24
243. eXistenZ (1999); 5.24
244. The Cry (2007); 5.25
245. Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008); 5.25 [theater]
246. Death Ship (1980); 5.25
247. The Howling (1981); 5.25
248. The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made (2004); 5.26
249. Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV (2000); 5.26
250. The Drive-In Massacre (1976); 5.26
251. The Shuttered Room (1967); 5.26
252. Axe/Lisa, Lisa (1977); 5.26
253. Infection (2004); 5.26
254. The Attic (2008); 5.27
255. Mother of Tears: The Third Mother (2007); 5.27
256. The American Nightmare (2000); 5.28 [#3]
257. Crash (1996); 5.29
258. The Last House on the Left (1972); 5.29 [#2]
259. Long Weekend (1978); 5.30
260. The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971); 5.30
261. Grizzly Park (2008); 5.31
262. Blue Sunshine (1976); 5.31
263. The Gore Gore Girls (1972); 5.31
264. Erotic Nights of the Living Dead (1980); 5.31
265. Noroi the Curse (2005); 5.31
266. Peeping Tom (1960); 6.1
267. Army of Darkness (1992); 6.1
268. The Vanishing (1993); 6.1
269. The Lair of the White Worm (1988); 6.1
270. Happy Birthday to Me (1981); 6.1
271. Nightbreed (1990); 6.2
272. The Killing of America (1982); 6.2
273. Rogue (2007); 6.3
274. It Happened at Lakewood Manner (1977); 6.6
275. Child's Play (1988); 6.6
276. Shocker (1989); 6.6
277. Zombie Strippers (2008); 6.7
278. Superbad (2007); 6.7 [#3]
279. Knocked Up (2007); 6.7 [#2]
280. Land of the Dead (2005); 6.8 [#5]
281. Crimes of the Future (1970); 6.9
282. The Wicker Man (1973); 6.11
283. Hostel: Part II (2007); 6.12 [#5?]
284. Shaun of the Dead (2004); 6.13[#6?]
285. Hot Fuzz (2007); 6.13 [#3]
286. Smokin' Aces (2007); 6.13 [#3]
287. Frankenstein (1931); 6.14
288. Swamp Thing (1982); 6.14
289. Spaced: Series 1 (1999); 6.16
290. Spaced: Series 2 (2001); 6.16
291. All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006); 6.17
292. Star Wars (1977); 6.18 [#2]
293. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980); 6.19 [#2?]
294. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983); 6.19 [#2?]
295. Catacombs (2007); 6.24
296. Snoop's Hood of Horror (2006); 6.24
297. Milo (1998); 6.24
298. Night of the Creeps (1986); 6.24
299. Bubba Ho-tep (2002); 6.28
300. Frogs (1972); 6.28
301. Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988); 7.1
302. 28 Days Later (2002); 7.1 [#2?]
303. Jaws (1975); 7.2
304. Creepshow (1982); 7.3 [#2]
305. All the Colors of the Dark (1972); 7.3
306. The Squid and the Whale (2005); 7.3
307. Captivity (2007); 7.3
308. Wall-E (2008); 7.4 [theater]
309. Baby Mama (2008); 7.5 [theater]
310. Arrested Development: Season 1 (2003); 7.6 [#4]
311. Arrested Development: Season 2 (2004); 7.7 [#4]
312. Blade Runner (1982); 7.8
313. Mysterious Skin (2004); 7.9 [#4]
314. X (1963); 7.9
315. Severance (2006); 7.9 [#2]
316. Murder Party (2007); 7.10 [#2]
317. The Namesake (2006); 7.10
318. The Exorcist III (1990); 7.11
319. Dellamorte Dellamore (1994); 7.11 [#2]
320. The Signal (2006); 7.12
321. 28 Up (1985); 7.12
322. Naked Fear (1999); 7.14
323. Idiocracy (2006); 7.15
324. Dead & Breakfast (2004); 7.15 [#2]
325. Dead End (2003); 7.16

326. The Dark Knight (2008); 7.18 [THEATER]
327. The Dentist (1996); 7.18
328. Ed Gein (2000); 7.19
329. The Brood (1979); 7.20 [#2]
330. The Dark Knight (2008); 7.21 [theater, #2]
331. Scanners (1981); 7.22 [#2]
332. Murder Party (2007); 7.22 [#3]
333. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2002); 7.23
334. Hatchet (2007); 7.24 [#4]
335. Lady Vengeance (2005); 7.25
336. Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988); 7.25 [#2]
337. Hot Rod (2007); 7.26 [#7]
338. Crash (1996); 7.26 [#2]
339. Newsies (1992); 7.27
340. Ghost World (2001); 7.29
341. Solaris (1972); 7.29
342. Layer Cake (2004); 7.30
343. 3:10 to Yuma (1957); 7.31
344. The Last Broadcast (1998); 8.1
345. Ringu (1998); 8.2
346. Mortuary (2005); 8.3
347. Dexter, Season 1 (2006); 8.2-8.3 [#3]
348. The Descent (2005); 8.4 [#2]
349. Batman Begins (2005); 8.4 [#2]
350. Troll (1986); 8.5
351. Troll 2 (1990); 8.5
352. Leprechaun (1993); 8.6
353. The Dark Knight (2008); 8.6 [theater, #3]
354. Leprechaun 2 (1994); 8.7
355. Iron Man (2008); 8.7 [theater, #2]
356. Leprechaun 3 (1995); 8.8
357. Resident Evil (2002); 8.9
358. American Psycho (2000); 8.10 [#9]
359. Rosemary's Baby (1968); 8.11 [#2]
360. Heathers (1989); 8.12
361. Heathers (1989); 8.12 [#2]
362. Visitor Q (2001); 8.12
363. Cannibal Holocaust (1980); 8.13 [#7]
364. Edward Scissorhands (1990); 8.14 [#2]
365. Freak Out (2004); 8.14 [#2]
366. Nightbreed (1990); 8.14 [#2]
367. The Astral Factor (1976); 8.15
368. Maniac (1934); 8.15
369. Vanishing Point (1971); 8.16
370. House on the Edge of the Park (1980); 8.16
371. Devil's Playground (2002); 8.16
372. Hot Fuzz (2007); 8.17 [#4]
373. Small Town Folk (2007); 8.17
374. Tropic Thunder (2008); 8.17 [theater]
375. Onibaba (1964); 8.17
376. Primer (2004); 8.17
377. Punch-Drunk Love (2002); 8.18
378. The Onion Movie (2008); 8.18
379. August Underground (2001); 8.18
380. Stereo (1969); 8.18
381. White Zombie (1932); 8.18
382. House (1986); 8.18
383. Ed Gein: The Butcher of Plainfield (2007); 8.19
384. The Happening (2008); 8.19
385. Child's Play 2 (1990); 8.19
386. One Hour Photo (2002); 8.19
387. The Baxter (2005); 8.20
388. Communion (1976); 8.20
389. Murder Party (2007); 8.20 [#4]
390. Sympathy for the Devil (1968); 8.20
391. Saturday the 14th (1981); 8.21
392. Deep Red (1975); 8.21
393. Deranged (1974); 8.21
394. The Babysitters (2007); 8.21
395. Gimme Shelter (1970); 8.21 [#2, I think]
396. Pink Flamingos (1972); 8.22
397. Mutant Man (1996); 8.22
398. The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976); 8.22
399. The Cavern (2005); 8.22
400. The Strangers (2008); 8.23
401. The Devils (1971); 8.24
402. Hell on Earth (2002); 8.24
403. Zoo (2007); 8.24
404. Blue Velvet (1986); 8.24
405. Stranger Than Paradise (1984); 8.24
406. The History Boys (2006); 8.24
407. The Redsin Tower (2006); 8.25
408. I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (2003); 8.25
409. Hukkunud Alpinisti Hotell (1979); 8.25
410. The Holy Mountain (1973); 8.25
411. Silver Bullet (1985); 8.25
412. Hellevator: The Bottled Fury (2004); 8.26
413. In Bruges (2008); 8.26
414. Zodiac (2007); 8.26 [#3]
415. This is the Zodiac Speaking (2007); 8.26
416. Blood Freak (1972); 8.26
417. Naked Lunch (1991); 8.27
418. The Ballad of Jack and Rose (2005); 8.27
419. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975); 8.27
420. The American Nightmare (2000); 8.27 [#4]
421. Lunch Meat (1987); 8.28
422. The Car (1977); 8.28
423. Liberty Heights (1999); 8.28
424. Turkey Shoot (1982); 8.28
425. The Man Who Laughs (1928); 8.28
426. Driller Killer (1979); 8.29
427. The Fall (2006); 8.29
428. Stalker (1979); 8.29
429. The Dead Next Door (1988); 8.29 [#2]
430. The Promotion (2008); 8.30
431. American Zombie (2007); 8.30
432. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964); 8.31
433. X-Files: Season 1 (1993); 8.30-9.1 [#2? #3?]
434. Son of Rambow (2007); 9.1
435. The Mutant Chronicles (2008); 9.2
436. The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2006); 9.2
437. Satan's Little Helper (2004); 9.2 [#2]
438. The Wackness (2008); 9.2
439. Motel Hell (1980); 9.2
440. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005); 9.2
441. Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006); 9.2
442. Raging Bull (1980); 9.3

443. Doomsday (2008); 9.3
444. The Gorgon (1964); 9.3
445. From Beyond the Grave (1973); 9.3
446. Annie Hall (1977); 9.3
447. From the Drain (1967); 9.4 [short, lololol omg early Davey C y u so hilars]
448. The Initiation (1984); 9.4
449. X-Files: Season 2 (1994); 9.2-9.6 [#2 kind of]
450. Freaks and Geeks (1999); 9.6-9.7
451. How I Met Your Mother (2005); 9.7 [#2]
452. Fear (1996); 9.7
453. Hellboy (2004); 9.8
454. Nightmare (1981); 9.8
455. Radio Days (1987); 9.8
456. Theater of Blood (1973); 9.8
457. A History of Violence (2005); 9.8
458. The Wizard of Gore (1970); 9.8
459. Race with the Devil (1975); 9.9
460. The Uncanny (1977); 9.9
461. Children of the Damned (1963); 9.9
462. The Cell (2000); 9.9
463. The Pyx (1973); 9.9
464. The Butcher (1970); 9.10
465. Medea (1969); 9.10
466. Love in Thoughts (2006); 9.10
467. Qallunaat! Why White People Are Funny (2006); 9.10
468. Le Samourai (1967); 9.10
469. Thinking XXX (2004); 9.10
470. Pieces (1982); 9.11
471. The Cellar Door (2007); 9.11
472. Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters (1982); 9.11
473. The Gathering (2002); 9.11
474. Cinema Paradiso (1988); 9.11
475. Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (2008); 9.11
476. Gothic (1986); 9.11
477. Halloween (1978); 9.12 [#2]
478. Chinatown (1974); 9.12
479. Man Bites Dog (1992); 9.12
480. The Fog (1980); 9.12
481. Halloween II (1981); 9.12
482. Casablanca (1942); 9.13
483. Sharkwater (2006); 9.13
484. Chopping Mall (1986); 9.13
485. Dog Soldiers (2002); 9.13
486. Shock Waves (1977); 9.13
487. Suspiria (1977); 9.13
488. Private Dicks: Men Exposed (1999); 9.13
489. The Stuff (1985); 9.14
490. Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982); 9.14
491. Mondo Cane (1962); 9.14
492. The Vanishing (1988); 9.14
493. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains (1981); 9.14
494. Encounters at the End of the World (2007); 9.14
495. The Room (2001); 9.15 [short]
496. Port of Shadows (1938); 9.15
497. Child's Play 3 (1991); 9.15
498. The Sentinel (1977); 9.15
499. 13 Seconds (2003); 9.16
500. Ghost Town (1988); 9.16
501. Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988); 9.16 [#2]
502. Mad Max (1979); 9.17
503. Cube (1997); 9.17
504. Phantom of the Paradise (1974); 9.17
505. Chemical Wedding (2008); 9.17
506. The Haunting (1963); 9.17
507. Don't Look in the Basement! (1973); 9.17
508. Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995); 9.17
509. East of Eden (1955); 9.18
510. Sasquatch, the Legend of Bigfoot (1977); 9.18
511. El Topo (1970); 9.18
512. Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998); 9.18
513. Friday the 13th (1980); 9.18 [#2]
514. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975); 9.19
515. The Dead Hate the Living! (2000); 9.19
516. The Dead Will Walk (2004); 9.19
517. Document of the Dead (1985); 9.19
518. Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981); 9.19
519. Halloween: Resurrection (2002); 9.19
520. Halloween: 25 Years of Terror (2006); 9.20
521. The Fly II (1989); 9.20
522. Dead-End Drive In (1986); 9.20
523. Bride of Chucky (1998); 9.20
524. Hardware (1990); 9.20
525. Friday the 13th Part III (1982); 9.20
526. Shock Treatment (1981); 9.21
527. Mirrors (2008); 9.21
528. Big Trouble in Little China (1986); 9.21
529. Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984); 9.21
530. Ace in the Hole (1951); 9.22
531. Santa Sangre (1989); 9.22
532. Bloody Sunday (2002); 9.22
533. The Abominable Snowman (1957); 9.22
534. The Wolf Man (1941); 9.23
535. Witchfinder General (1968); 9.23
536. Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS (1975); 9.23
537. Borderland (2007); 9.23 [#2]
538. Jigoku (1960); 9.23
539. Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985); 9.24
540. Blood Diner (1987); 9.24
541. Dead Ringer (1964); 9.24
542. The Devil's Backbone (2001); 9.24
543. Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI (1986); 9.24
544. My Dinner with Andre (1981); 9.25
545. The Great Train Robbery (1903); 9.25
546. Strangers on a Train (1951); 9.25
547. The Apartment (1960); 9.25
548. River's Edge (1986); 9.25
549. "Twin Peaks" - Season 1 (1990); 9.25-9.26
550. Wild Strawberries (1957); 9.26
551. Back to the Future (1985); 9.26
552. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986); 9.26
553. The Harder They Come (1973); 9.27
554. Midnight Movies: From the Margin to the Mainstream (2005); 9.27
555. Back to the Future Part II (1989); 9.27
556. Fingerprints (2006); 9.27
557. A Tale of Two Sisters (2003); 9.27
558. Hairspray (1988); 9.27
559. Kwaidan (1964); 9.28
560. The Bicycle Thief (1948); 9.28
561. Back to the Future Part III (1990); 9.29
562. "Twin Peaks" - Season 2 (1990); 9.27-9.30
563. To Each His Cinema (2007); 9.30
564. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958); 9.30
565. Persona (1967); 9.30
566. The Warriors (1979); 9.30
567. Dimples (2008); 10.1
568. Video Violence ...When Renting Is Not Enough. (1987); 10.1
569. Gremlins (1984); 10.1 [#2 or 3 IDK I've seen it b4 but I don't know how many times or anything]
570. The Entity (1981); 10.2
571. Frightmare (1974); 10.2
572. The Gorilla (1939); 10.2
573. Insanitarium (2008); 10.2
574. House of 1,000 Corpses (2003); 10.2 [#2/#3?]
575. Hocus Pocus (1993); 10.2 [#i don't even know]
576. Rockula (1990); 10.3
577. The Innocents (1961); 10.3
578. Prom Night (1980); 10.3
579. Piranha (1978); 10.3
580. Night of the Living Dead 3D (2006); 10.3
581. Lisa and the Devil (1973); 10.3
582. Murder Party (2007); 10.3 [#5]
583. Video Violence 2 (1987); 10.4
584. April Fool's Day (2008); 10.4
585. Full Moon High (1981); 10.4
586. Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988); 10.4
587. The Midnight Meat Train (2008); 10.5
588. Re-Animator (1985); 10.5 [#2]
589. Blood Car (2007); 10.5 [#2]
590. Slugs (1988); 10.5
591. The Return of the Living Dead (1985); 10.5 [#2]
592. Female Trouble (1974); 10.5
593. Tombs of the Blind Dead (1971); 10.6
594. The Ruins (2008); 10.6 [#2]
595. Carnival of Souls (1962); 10.6
596. Return of the Living Dead Part II (1988); 10.6 [#2]
597. Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989); 10.6
598. Martin (1977); 10.6 [#2]
599. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984); 10.6 [#2]
600. A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985); 10.7
601. Prom Night (2008); 10.7
602. Creepshow 2 (1987); 10.7 [#2]
603. Rabid (1977); 10.7 [#2]
604. Otis (2008); 10.7
605. Dracula (1931); 10.7
606. The Shining (1980); 10.7 [#4?]
607. Carrie (1976); 10.7 [#2]
608. Big Bad Wolf (2006); 10.8
609. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987); 10.8
610. Return of the Living Dead III (1993); 10.8 [#2]
611. Tenebre (1982); 10.8
612. The Omen (1976); 10.8 [#2]
613. Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993); 10.9
614. The Evil Dead (1981); 10.9 [#3]
615. Depraved (2008); 10.9 [short]
616. The American Nightmare (2000); 10.9 [#5]
617. Jason X (2001); 10.9
618. The Sick House (2007); 10.10
619. Ban the Sadist Videos! (2005); 10.10
620. eXistenZ (1999); 10.10 [#2]
621. Blind Beast (1969); 10.10
622. Don't Look Now (1973); 10.10
623. Freddy Vs. Jason (2003); 10.10
624. Jeepers Creepers (2001); 10.11
625. Unhinged (1982); 10.11
626. Killer Tongue (1996); 10.11
627. Seed of Chucky (2004); 10.11
628. Troll 2 (1990); 10.11 [#2]
629. Jeepers Creepers (2003); 10.11
630. Dolls (1987); 10.12
631. Orozco the Embalmer (2001); 10.12
632. Stuck (2007); 10.12
633. Dance of the Dead (2008); 10.12
634. Poltergeist (1982); 10.12
635. The Funhouse (1981); 10.12
636. Snuff: A Documentary About Killing on Camera (2008); 10.12
637. Bloody New Year (1987); 10.13
638. Night of the Demons (1988); 10.13
639. Feast 2 (2008); 10.13
640. Christine (1983); 10.13
641. Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis (2005); 10.13
642. Long Time Dead (2002); 10.14
643. The Bad Seed (1956); 10.14
644. Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! (2008); 10.14
645. Horror Cafe (1990); 10.14
646. The Beyond (1981); 10.14*
647. The Ugly (1997); 10.14
648. Deliverance (1972); 10.15
649. The Blob (1988); 10.15
650. Deranged (1974); 10.15 [#2]
651. Lady in the Water (2006); 10.15
652. Dawn of the Dead (2004); 10.15 [#5]
653. Dead Ringers (1988); 10.16 [#2]
654. Videodrome (1983); 10.16 [#2]
655. The Dead Zone (1983); 10.16 [#2]
656. Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave (2005); 10.17 [#2]
657. Phenomena (1985); 10.17
658. The Fly (1986); 10.17 [#2]
659. The Fun Park (2007); 10.18
660. Urine Trouble (2006); 10.18 [short]
661. The Old Dark House (1932); 10.18
662. The Stepford Wives (1975); 10.18

663. Burn After Reading (2008); 10.18 [theater]
664. Monkey Shines (1988); 10.19
665. Ban the Sadist Videos!: Part 2 (2006); 10.19
666. Village of the Damned (1960); 10.19
667. Nightmare City (1980); 10.19
668. Valentine (2001); 10.19
669. Reel Bad Arabs (2006); 10.19
670. Cherry Falls (2000); 10.19
671. Spider Baby (1964); 10.20
672. Pineapple Express (2008); 10.20
673. Off the Straight and Narrow (1999); 10.20
674. Fired! (2007); 10.20
675. Cursed (2004); 10.20
676. The Bridge (2006); 10.20
677. Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills (1996); 10.21
678. Fuck (2005); 10.21
679. Tales from the Hood (1995); 10.21
680. Paradise Lost 2: Revelations (2000); 10.21
681. Season of the Witch (1981); 10.21
682. Platoon (1986); 10.22
683. "The Directors: George A. Romero" (2002); 10.22
684. Cinemania (2002); 10.22
685. The Killing of America (1982); 10.22 [#2]
686. Amityville Horror: The True Story (2008); 10.23
687. The Real Amityville Horror (2005); 10.23
688. Dawn of the Mummy (1981); 10.23
689. The Mirror (1975); 10.24
690. The Jerk (1979); 10.24
691. Bride of Frankenstein (1935); 10.25
692. The Abandoned (2006); 10.25
693. The Awakening (1990); 10.25 [short]
694. Revenge of the Creature (1955); 10.25
695. Some Like It Hot (1959); 10.25
696. Idiocracy (2006); 10.25 [#2]
697. Aftermath (1994); 10.25 [short]
698. Genesis (1998); 10.25 [short]
699. Un chien andalou (1929); 10. 25 [#2, short]
700. Eagle Eye (2008); 10.26 [theater]
701. I Spit on Your Corpse, I Piss on Your Grave (2001); 10.26
702. Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954); 10.26
703. The Long, Hot Summer (1958); 10.26
704. Angst (1983); 10.27
705. House of Usher (1960); 10.27
706. Repulsion (1965); 10.27
707. Still Life (2005); 10.27 [short, #4?--it's good!]
708. Jack Brooks Monster Slayer (2007); 10.27
709. Quarantine (2008); 10.27
710. Tideland (2005); 10.28
711. The Ghosts of Kasane Swamp (1957); 10.28
712. M. Butterfly (1993); 10.28
713. Anguish (1987); 10.28
714. Tales of Terror (1962); 10.28
715. The Third Man (1949); 10.29
716. The Bunker of the Last Gunshots (1981); 10.29 [short]
717. The Masque of the Red Death (1964); 10.29
718. The Big Lebowski (1998); 10.29
719. The Crawling Hand (1963); 10.29
720. Welcome to the Jungle (2007); 10.29
721. Die, Mommie, Die (2003); 10.29
722. Nekromantik (1987); 10.30 [#2]
723. If... (1968); 10.30
724. Nekromantik 2 (1991); 10.30 [#2]
725. The Pit and the Pendulum (1961); 10.30
726. The Spiral Staircase (1945); 10.30
727. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920); 10.30
728. Man Behind the Sun (1988); 10.31
729. Planet Terror (2007); 10.31 [#3]
730. It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (1966); [#who even knows]
731. Hostel 2 (2007); 10.31 [#4]
732. The Brood (1979); 10.31 [#3]
733. Zombi 2 (1979); 10.31 [#2]
734. The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967); 10.31
735. Murder Party (2007); 10.31 [#6]
736. Exte: Hair Extensions (2007); 11.1
737. The Diabolical Dr. Z (1966); 11.1
738. The Tomb of Ligeia (1964); 11.1
739. The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (1976); 11.1
740. Two Days in October: American Experience (2005); 11.2
741. Johnny Sunshine Maximum Violence (2008); 11.2
742. Lunacy (2005); 11.2
743. Dead Man's Shoes (2004); 11.3
744. The Godfather (1972); 11.3
745. The Graduate (1967); 11.3
746. Werewolf Shadow (1971); 11.3
747. MASH (1970); 11.4
748. The Odd Couple (1968); 11.4
749. Beyond the Darkness (1979); 11.4
750. Let the Right One In (2008); 11.4
751. Five Easy Pieces (1970); 11.4
752. Cheerleader Camp (1987); 11.4
753. Step Brothers (2008); 11.5
754. Dark Days (2000); 11.5
755. Joe (1970); 11.5
756. Prince of Darkness (1987); 11.5
757. The Panic in Needle Park (1971); 11.6
758. The Haunted Palace (1963); 11.6
759. Baxter (1989); 11.6
760. Neverland: The Rise and Fall of the Symbionese Liberation Army (2004); 11.6
761. This Is England (2006); 11.6
762. Baadasssss Cinema (2002); 11.7
763. Mars Attacks! (1996); 11.7 [#something]
764. The French Connection (1971); 11.7
765. Heckler (2008); 11.7
766. The People Under the Stairs (1991); 11.7
767. Easy Rider (1969); 11.7
768. The Woman in Black (1989); 11.8

769. Role Models (2008); 11.8 [theater]
770. Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple (2006); 11.8
771. Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here (1969); 11.8
772. Faces of Death (1978); 11.9
773. Johnny Got His Gun (1971); 11.9
774. A Woman Under the Influence (1974); 11.9
775. Who's That Knocking at My Door (1967); 11.9
776. Mean Streets (1973); 11.9
777. Grip of the Strangler (1958); 11.10
778. Robocop (1987); 11.10
779. The Italian Machine (1976); 11.10 [short, Cronenberg, om nom nom]
780. Straw Dogs (1971); 11.10
781. Cool Hand Luke (1967); 11.10
782. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966); 11.10
783. The Hustler (1961); 11.11
784. The Last Trick (1964); 11.11 [short]
785. A Game with Stones (1965); 11.11 [short]
786. Fantasy in G Minor (1966); 11.11 [short]
787. Punch and Judy (1966); 11.11 [short]
788. Et Cetera (1966); 11.11 [short]
789. Historia Naturae (1967); 11.11 [short]
790. The Garden (1968); 11.11 [short]
791. The Flat (1968); 11.11 [short]
792. Meat Love (1988); 11.11 [short]
793. Batman (1989); 11.11
794. The Terror (1963); 11.11
795. Picnic with Weissman (1968); 11.11 [short]
796. The Rainbow Thief (1990); 11.11
797. Camera (2000); 11.11 [short]
798. Flora (1989); 11.11 [short]
799. Pumpkin (2002); 11.11
800. The Ossuary (1970); 11.11 [short]
801. A Quiet Week in the House (1969); 11.12 [short]
802. Premutos: Lord of the Living Dead (1997); 11.12
803. Faust (1994); 11.12
804. The Raven (1963); 11.12
805. Don Juan (1969); 11.12 [short]
806. Stroszek (1977); 11.12
807. A Boy and His Dog (1975); 11.12 [#2]
808. Serial Mom (1995); 11.12
809. Jabberwocky (1971); 11.13 [short]
810. Leonardo's Diary (1972); 11.13 [short]
811. Flash Gordon (1980); 11.13
812. The Brave Little Toaster (1987); 11.13 [#idek]
813. The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1964); 11.13
814. Revolution Will Not Be Televised (2003); 11.13
815. Murder-Set-Pieces (2004); 11.13
816. Eden Lake (2008); 11.14
817. Mister Lonely (2007); 11.14
818. La Cravate (1957); 11.14 [short]
819. Six-String Samurai (1998); 11.14
820. Vulgar (2000); 11.14
821. Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976); 11.14
822. "Dead Set" S1 (2008); 11.15
823. The Green Mile (1999); 11.15
824. Klute (1971); 11.16
825. Brain Damage (1987); 11.16
826. The Last House on Dead End Street (1977); 11.16 [#2]
827. Pierrot le fou (1965); 11.16
828. The Castle of Otranto (1979); 11.16 [short]
829. The Birds (1963); 11.16
830. The Fall of the House of Usher (1980); 11.16 [short]
831. The Bronze Screen (2002); 11.16
832. Quills (2000); 11.17
833. Thou Shalt Not: Sex, Sin and Censorship in Pre-Code Hollywood (2008); 11.17
834. Night Nurse (1931); 11.17
835. In a Glass Cage (1987); 11.17
836. Terror Firmer (1999); 11.17
837. 35 Up (1991); 11.17
838. Cults: Dangerous Devotion (2007); 11.18
839. The Savages (2007); 11.18
840. Murder By Death (1976); 11.18
841. Searching for the Wrong-Eyed Jesus (2003); 11.18
842. The Last Horror Movie (2003); 11.18
843. The Touch of Satan (1971); 11.18
844. The Girl Next Door (2007); 11.18 [#2]
845. Return to Sleepaway Camp (2008); 11.18
846. Dead Poets Society (1989); 11.19
847. The Pick-up Artist (1987); 11.19
848. King Corn (2007); 11.19
849. Hunger (2008); 11.19
850. Bullitt (1968); 11.19
851. JFK: The Case for Conspiracy (1993); 11.19
852. Network (1976); 11.20
853. Sleeper (1973); 11.20
854. What's a Nice Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This? (1963); 11.20 [short]
855. Targets (1968); 11.20
856. Torso (1973); 11.20
857. Coffy (1973); 11.20
858. Badlands (1973); 11.21
859. Girlhood (2003); 11.21
860. Blacula (1972); 11.21
861. Noƫlle (2007); 11.21
862. The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (1968); 11.21
863. P2 (2007); 11.21
864. Dog Day Afternoon (1975); 11.21
865. Shaft (1971); 11.22
866. Young Frankenstein (1974); 11.22
867. Shaft's Big Score! (1972); 11.22
868. The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928); 11.22
869. Black Mama, White Mama (1973); 11.22
870. Diner (1982); 11.22
871. Shaft in Africa (1973); 11.22
872. Sisters (1973); 11.23
873. Cleopatra Jones (1973); 11.23
874. Born Into Brothels (2004); 11.23
875. Black Caesar (1973); 11.23
876. Saw V (2008); 11.23
877. Black Gold (2006); 11.23
878. Foxy Brown (1974); 11.24
879. The Parallax View (1974); 11.24
880. The Toolbox Murders (1978); 11.24
881. The War Zone (1999); 11.24
882. Murder Rock (1984); 11.24
883. The Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover (1989); 11.24
884. Female Yakuza Tale (1973); 11.25
885. Rear Window (1954); 11.25
886. Jacob's Ladder (1990); 11.25
887. Sex and Fury (1973); 11.25
888. Super Fly (1972); 11.25
889. Sheba, Baby (1975); 11.26
890. Scream, Blacula, Scream (1973); 11.26
891. The Last Wave (1977); 11.26
892. Dimensions of Dialog (1982); 11.26 [short]
893. All the President's Men (1976); 11.26 [#1.5ish]
894. The Inglorious Bastards (1978); 11.26
895. Alligator (1980); 11.27
896. Cruising (1980); 11.27
897. Down to the Cellar (1983); 11.27 [short]
898. The Pendulum, The Pit, and Hope (1983); 11.27 [short]
899. Bloody Mama (1970); 11.27
900. Heart of Midnight (1988); 11.27
901. Summer of Sam (1999); 11.27
902. Night of the Comet (1984); 11.28
903. 10 Rillington Place (1971); 11.28
904. My Name is Bruce (2007); 11.28
905. Anatomy of a Murder (1959); 11.28
906. Three on a Meathook (1972); 11.29
907. Quantum of Solace (2008); 11.29
908. Night Train Murders (1975); 11.29
909. Delinquent Girl Boss: Blossoming Night Dreams (1970); 11.30
910. "Metalocalypse" S1 (2006); 11.30
911. Big Bad Mama (1974); 11.30
912. Warning Sign (1985); 11.30
913. Cry-Baby (1990); 12.1
914. Grandma's Boy (2006); 12.1
915. Christmas Evil (1980); 12.1
916. Silent Night, Bloody Night (1974); 12.1
917. 8½ (1963); 12.1
918. H.H. Holmes: America's First Serial Killer (2003); 12.1
919. Albert Fish: In Sin He Found Salvation (2007); 12.2
920. "Metalocalypse" S2 (2006); 12.2-12.3
921. Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008); 12.2
922. Apt Pupil (1998); 12.2
923. Barfly (1987); 12.2
924. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951); 12.3
925. "Scrubs" S1 (2001); 12.3
926. Performance (1970); 12.3
927. Sir! No Sir! (2005); 12.4
928. Cut and Run (1985); 12.4
929. Blind Fury (1989); 12.4
930. "The X-Files" S3 (1995); 12.4-12.7
931. John Waters: This Filthy World (2006); 12.7
932. The Class (2007); 12.7
933. Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984); 12.7
934. Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 (1987); 12.7
935. Grey Gardens (1975); 12.7
936. Cape Fear (1962); 12.7
937. Silent Night, Deadly Night III: Better Watch Out! (1989); 12.8
938. Terrifying Girls' High School: Lynch Law Classroom (1973); 12.8
939. This Film Is Not Yet Rated (2006); 12.8
940. Overlord (1975); 12.8
941. Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966); 12.8 [#who the fuck knows]
942. Rockabilly Vampire (1996); 12.8
943. Scarecrow (1973); 12.9
944. A Dirty Shame (2004); 12.9
945. Virile Games (1988); 12.9 [short]
946. Winter Soldier (1972); 12.9
947. Seasoned Veteran: Journey of a Winter Soldier (2002); 12.9 [short]
948. Americal Division (1971); 12.9 [short]
949. First Marine Division (1971); 12.9 [short]
950. Metropolitan (1990); 12.9
951. Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired (2008); 12.10
952. Crimewave (1985); 12.10
953. Scotland, PA (2001); 12.10
954. Crazy Love (2007); 12.10
955. "Mad Men" S1 (2007); 12.11-12.12
956. Frost/Nixon (2008); 12.12
957. Frosty the Snowman (1969); 12.12 [#1246`24671894t89124689146819624]
958. Darkness Light Darkness (1989); 12.12 [short, #2]
959. The Amazing Transparent Man (1960); 12.12
960. "Mad Men" S2 (2008); 12.12-12.14
961. Milk (2008); 12.14
962. Cecil B. DeMented (2000); 12.14
963. Cadillac Records (2008); 12.14
964. In the Year of the Pig (1968); 12.14
965. Bobby (2006); 12.14
966. Dr. No (1962); 12.15
967. Desperate Living (1977); 12.15
968. Art School Confidential (2006); 12.15
969. Paris, Texas (1984); 12.15
970. Sister Street Fighter (1974); 12.16
971. Night Shift (1982); 12.16
972. Elves (1989); 12.16
973. The Hillside Strangler (2004); 12.16
974. Why We Fight (2005); 12.16
975. Ms. 45 (1981); 12.16
976. Fear City (1984); 12.17
977. Dreams to Remember: The Legacy of Otis Redding (2007); 12.17
978. First Blood (1982); 12.17
979. Forty Guns (1957); 12.18
980. The Red Shoes (1948); 12.18
981. The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia (1990); 12.18 [short]
982. America Movie (1999); 12.18
983. Bad Lieutenant (1992); 12.18
984. The Addiction (1995); 12.19
985. Sophie's Choice (1982); 12.19
986. Baghead (2008); 12.20
987. RFK (2004); 12.20
988. Freeze Frame (2004); 12.20
989. Mirage (1965); 12.20
990. The Steel Helmet (1951); 12.20
991. Delinquent Boss - Ocho the She Wolf (1969); 12.21
992. The Last Temptation of Christ (1988); 12.21
993. Fixed Bayonets! (1951); 12.21
994. Wendy and Lucy (2008); 12.21
995. There's Gonna Be A God Damn Riot (1979); 12.21
996. Run of the Arrow (1957); 12.22
997. Blindness (2008); 12.22
998. Park Row (1952); 12.22
999. Pickup on South Street (1953); 12.22
1000. Shock Corridor (1963); 12.22
1001. Elf (2003); 12.22 [#aobfnkl]
1002. Verboten! (1959); 12.23
1003. Blowup (1966); 12.23
1004. "The Office" S1 (2005); 12.23 [#2]
1005. "The Office" S2 (2005); 12.23-12.30 [#2]
1006. Merrill's Marauders (1962); 12.24
1007. Splinter (2008); 12.24
1008. Get to Know Your Rabbit (1972); 12.24
1009. Towelhead/Nothing is Private (2008); 12.24
1010. Sukeban - Girl Boss Revenge (1973); 12.24
1011. Black Christmas (1974); 12.25 [#3]
1012. "Scrubs" S2 (2002); 12.26
1013. Slumdog Millionaire (2008); 12.27
1014. American Teen (2008); 12.27
1015. Revolutionary Road (2008); 12.27
1016. Rika the Mixed-Blood Girl (1972); 12.28
1017. Religulous (2008); 12.28
1018. RFK Must Die: The Assassination of Bobby Kennedy (2007); 12.28
1019. A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988); 12.28
1020. Taxi Driver (1976); 12.28 [#2]
1021. Thirteen Days (2000); 12.29
1022. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008); 12.29
1023. White Dog (1982); 12.29
1024. Rica 2: Lonely Wanderer (1973); 12.30
1025. A Brilliant Madness (2002); 12.30
1026. Stripes (1981); 12.30
1027. The Foot Fist Way (2006); 12.30
1028. China Gate (1957); 12.30
1029. Rica 3: Juvenile Lullaby (1973); 12.31
1030. War Made Easy (2007); 12.31
1031. All the Real Girls (2003); 12.31
1032. The Times of Harvey Milk (1984); 12.31

Books read in 2008.
Numerical listing. Title (year published) - Author; Starting date; finishing date
1. A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (1845) - Frederick Douglass; S: 1.2 F: 1.4
2. Darkly Dreaming Dexter (2004) - Jeff Lindsey; S: 1.4 F: 1.11
3. Mere Christianity (1943); S: 1.15 I WANT TO READ THIS BUT I WON'T

3. No Country for Old Men (2005) - Cormac McCarthy; S: 1.19; F: 2.2
4. The Average American Male (2007) - Chad Kultgen; S: 1.31; F: 2.3
5. The Great Gatsby (1925) - F. Scott Fitzgerald; S: 2.6; F: 2.21
6. South of No North (2002) - Charles Bukowski; S: 2.25; F: 3.15 [#1.5]
7. American Psycho (1991) - Bret Easton Ellis; S: 2.26; F: 3.13 [#2]
8. Serial Killers: The Method and Madness of Monsters (2004) - Peter Vronsky; S: 3.15; F: 3.22 [#2]
9. Dearly Devoted Dexter (2005) - Jeff Lindsay; S: 3.22; F: 3.23
10. Winterwood (2006) - Patrick McCabe; S: 3.23; F: 3.24
11. Invisible Man (1952) - Ralph Ellison; S: 4.3; F:
12. Mystery Train: Images of America in Rock 'n' Roll: Fifth Edition (2008) - Greil Marcus; S: 4.12; F: 4.21

13. World War Z - Max Brooks (2007); S: ?.??; F: 7.27
14. Prince Caspian - C.S. Lewis (1951); S: 5.4; F: 5.5 [#2]
15. Elements of Style for Screenwriters - Paul Argentini (1998); S: 5.12; F: 5.18
16. Death of a Salesman (1949) - Arthur Miller; S: 5.14; F: 5.16
15. What They Don't Teach You at Film School: 161 Strategies For Making Your Own Movies No Matter What (2000); S: 6.27; F: 7.17
16. Manson in His Own Words (1994) - Nuel Emmons; S: 7.18; F: 7.25
17. Dance Dance Dance (1988) - Haruki Murakami; S: 7. 27; F: 7.28 [#2]

18. 1984 (1949) - George Orwell; S: 7.28; F: 8.3
19. Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World (1985) - Haruki Murakami; S: 8.5; F: 8.8
20. Glamorama (1998) - Bret Easton Ellis; S: 8.8; F: 8.10
21. Factotum (1975) - Charles Bukowski; S: 8.10; F: 8.10
22. In Cold Blood (1966) - Truman Capote; S: 8.12; F: 8.16
23. Crash (1973) - J.G. Ballard; S: 8.18; F: 9.7

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